Τρίτη 6 Οκτωβρίου 2015


In September Greek, Spanish, Polish and Italian partners focused on “Renewable sources of energy”. Watching some videos and discussing, students improved their consciousness about the importance of this topic for the future of our planet.

Let’s have a look to their experiences.



Greek students studied the different sources of energy watching two videos, discussing and doing several interesting activities.

 This way they understood the differences between renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy and the importance of each energy source.


The students from 3rd grade to 6th grade of primary school have followed a Natural Science lesson in English. Watching the video “Responsible use of energy” they realized that energy is not unlimited and it’s important to make a responsible use of it.


They also learnt the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy sources. In this video different energy sources were shown to the students: solar, oil, coal, natural gas, wood, nuclear, geothermal, wind and water.

While they were watching the video, teachers were stopping it to explain and solve possible doubts. 


This activity has been carried out during an English lesson in order to make students aware of different energy sources, that is renewable and non-renewable energy.

The students had a great opportunity to discuss ecological issues connected with different energy sources.

Thanks to it Polish students not only learnt about the differences between the above mentioned energy sources but also broadened their knowledge in the field and became more responsible energy users.


Italian students watched two videos on energy resources and renewable energy.

After this activity, they discussed and a group of them decided to play with the most significant words, writing some acrostics.

Here are the best creations:


Through this experience students realized that energy is not unlimited and we must save it in order to protect our “home”: the Earth!

Ania, Carolina, Sabina, Clara, Aurora, Naja, Iwona













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